About Us

Simpris team

The Simpris team
The Simpris team

Simpris is the flagship product of a team of talented designers and developers based in England in the United Kingdom. So here is some information about us.

Only the very highest standards will suffice for us in design, implementation and support. The strict data security laws of the United Kingdom govern Simpris.

Every customer is precious and the smallest is treated just like the largest.

The Simpris Ethos

The Simpris ethos is one of innovation and quality, and a commitment to technical advancement. As computer technology advances the Simpris team evaluates it and if it can be incorporated into our product, to bring advantage to our customers, it is.

We have also invested heavily in modern quality assurance techniques pertaining to software development and the development of the Simpris product.

At Simpris deep thought goes into how our customers use our product, and the business processes which they are trying to manage.

Our Directors

The Simpris team is led by its directors. We are:


Software Development Director

Graham - Software Development Director
Graham - Software Development Director

Graham has a wealth of experience developing and designing industrial strength web systems for small clients and some of the largest corporations in the world. Many thousands of people have used systems designed by him.


Customer Services Manager

Linda - Customer Services Director
Linda - Customer Services Director

Linda has many years of experience in sales, marketing, management and customer services. She has held several directorships in multinational companies and is an expert in the delivery of customer services.


Data Service Manager

Frank - Data Director
Frank - Data Director

Frank has worked on some of the largest databases in Europe for such clients as Royal Mail UK, HSBC Bank, Nestle, Shell Oil, Unilever and the governing authorities of some of the United Kingdom’s largest cities.